the assignment was to draw/document the helen o'leary exhibit in our building. i didn't really grasp the concept of the assignment and then was too lazy to redo it when he gave us more time. so these are the pieces of crap that resulted from this project. please pass over them as quickly as you can. and i don't know why they're blue.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
pleas don't look at this one
the assignment was to draw/document the helen o'leary exhibit in our building. i didn't really grasp the concept of the assignment and then was too lazy to redo it when he gave us more time. so these are the pieces of crap that resulted from this project. please pass over them as quickly as you can. and i don't know why they're blue.
greensboro overlooked.
these photos are documentation of the beautiful little things i found around the city, that might be normally overlooked.
walk up spring garden away from campus and cross over tate st. on the corner of springdale and spring garden is a small park. enter said park and walk over towards the left and face the small concrete owl in the grass. crouch down so you are looking it in the face.
walk up spring garden st. away from campus and cross over tate st. make a left onto springdale ct. and walk up the sidewalk on the left side of the street. on the end of the driveway to the house with the address 15 springdale ct. is this location.
Monday, April 14, 2008
time, you wicked beast
so for this piece we were told to go to a public place and eavesdrop on a stranger's conversation and record what we hear. then we were instructed to use the text from our recordings and make a triptych. this is what i came up with.
don't worry about it
yeah, he's the short one
that's so funny
i was listening to these teenage girls talk incessantly about nothing. it got me thinking about how in our culture we are constantly spoon fed this drivel from tv, the radio, the internet, etc. we are constantly processing information that doesn't matter, and the youth of our country manage to fall prey to it more than those who grew up in a less technilogical age. i myself will admit i fall into it as well. i love american idol and the moronic plot lines that come out of the disney channel like anyone else. but how many of us are reading books and spooning productive ideas into our head in defiance, or has rebellion in our youth become commercialized and streamlined as well?
Monday, March 24, 2008
so here are some more.
this one we were drawing with a graphite pencil attached to a paint stirrer from home depot. we had to hold it at the end of the stick which made for relatively messy drawings. i vaguely remember we were supposed to work on getting different lines.
this was a fun little activity, we assigned different types of lines to numbers, and then a pair of dice were rolled and whichever number they landed on we were supposed to draw.
ok now this one i hate. were were given a stencil of a letter and had to make a design and use value, etc. i hate mine. the craftmanship is really bad, and i feel like i played it ridiculously safe. so please overlook this one super quickly.
ok, so it's been a million years since i last posted anything, and my professor keeps nagging us to keep up with these. so i'm playing catch up. i'll try to keep them in chronological order, but honestly i don't remember so we'll see what happens.
so this one was done in the first few days of class. we were told to find 5 images using google image search. then we were to trace the images on top of eachother. you can't tell, but my 5 were, a velociraptor, a vw bug that was turned into a camper, a rhinocerous, a really jovial woman whose face popped up when i image searched my name, and some yarn.

then we were told we could pick and choose the images we wanted to trace, etc. so here's what i did. i feel like the rhino has this strange vw plumage. i was pleased.
so this one we were supposed to do a line drawing of something. i don't actually remember the exact specifications of the assignment. so i drew my car. then we were to post the drawings on craigslist trying to sell them. mine was flagged though. probably because someone actually thought i was selling a 1971 vw bug for 10 bucks. silly people.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
blog virgin

so this is my first blog, be gentle with me. as an assignment for my design class this semester, we were required to set up a blog so we can publish (?) post (?) our work that we do for the class, and i guess otherwise if we wanted to go blog crazy and post stuff from outside class or even get into those mysterious things called feelings people talk about all the time.
but now i'm babbling, so this is a piece of work from class. we're studying shape, and i loved the effect we got with the technique we were instructed to use. using the exacto knife we cut out the shape, then inked the cut out shaped and the fit it back into the hole it left and taped up the back so it would stay. i loved the ink on this one. i just think it's cool. i want to experiment more with this.
so that's it. my first blog.
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