so for this piece we were told to go to a public place and eavesdrop on a stranger's conversation and record what we hear. then we were instructed to use the text from our recordings and make a triptych. this is what i came up with.

don't worry about it

yeah, he's the short one

that's so funny
i was listening to these teenage girls talk incessantly about nothing. it got me thinking about how in our culture we are constantly spoon fed this drivel from tv, the radio, the internet, etc. we are constantly processing information that doesn't matter, and the youth of our country manage to fall prey to it more than those who grew up in a less technilogical age. i myself will admit i fall into it as well. i love american idol and the moronic plot lines that come out of the disney channel like anyone else. but how many of us are reading books and spooning productive ideas into our head in defiance, or has rebellion in our youth become commercialized and streamlined as well?