Tuesday, May 6, 2008

pleas don't look at this one

the assignment was to draw/document the helen o'leary exhibit in our building. i didn't really grasp the concept of the assignment and then was too lazy to redo it when he gave us more time. so these are the pieces of crap that resulted from this project. please pass over them as quickly as you can. and i don't know why they're blue.

greensboro overlooked.

these photos are documentation of the beautiful little things i found around the city, that might be normally overlooked.
walk up spring garden st. away from campus and cross over tate st. at the corner of springdale ct. and spring garden there is a telephone pole, where you will find the subject of this photo.

walk up spring garden away from campus and cross over tate st. on the corner of springdale and spring garden is a small park. enter said park and walk over towards the left and face the small concrete owl in the grass. crouch down so you are looking it in the face.

walk up spring garden st. away from campus and cross over tate st. make a left onto springdale ct. and walk up the sidewalk on the left side of the street. on the end of the driveway to the house with the address 15 springdale ct. is this location.

walk up spring garden st. away from campus and cross over tate st. make a left onto springdale ct. at the end of the street, take a right onto walker ave. and continue walking up the right side of the street. this location is just past the yellow house and just before the tan house with the blue easter island statue on the front steps.

walk up spring garden st. away from campus and make a left onto tate st. continue up the street until carr st. when you will make a right. this location is on a telephone pole next to the driveway to the house on the corner. after turning it's on the left side of the street.

music in 2-D

this piece was an absolute blast. i picked The Mooche by Duke Ellington and this is what i heard.

wood siding

i really like this one. it's the side of my friend leda's house. i couldn't get the original photograph the drawing was done from, to upload though. 


so this was the diebonkorn copy i did with my partner.  it was sweet. though i like his work much much better in color.