I am by nature a very indecisive person. I try not to make rash decisions, which is maybe why I love to be around spontaneous people because they are something I don't think I could ever be. Sometimes I am sad about this little part of myself since spontaneous people seem to have so much more fun, but really it's something I'm happy for. I've never had to deal with the kind of drama some of my friends have because I stop and think before I do, and sometimes say things (Though if I can not think something through it would definitely be what comes out of my mouth). And I think my lack of spontaneity just plays into that stillness factor about myself that I love. But that's not the point, the point is, after weeks of deliberation and agony over this decision, I have decided....
To be Aang for Halloween.
and I would like to thank my friends for their input. I don't know that I actually listened, I mostly just wanted to hear what you thought and then do what I want. So anyway, I shall go to a Young Single Adult dance as a 12-year old, bald, cartoon character, and I'm super excited about it. I shall post pictures at a later date.
So I now have a fourth option for my Halloween costume. My good friend Heidi is dressing up as Heidi, and I am now considering going as a goat so we could be a matching pair. I'm thinking really hard about it.
So I love Halloween for the one simple fact that I love to dress up. So now my dilemma is what to dress up as. I have been talking for years about dressing up as Aang from Avatar the Last Airbender.
I even purchased some fabric and everything. I'm just not sure though. Maybe I should wait until I'm married or at least dating someone before going out into public as a bald 12 year old boy. I think it just might scare the fellows away. So I might settle for a different pre-pubescent boy, but this time with hair, Peter Pan.
But ultimately I have decided that if I can't pull together either of these costumes then I can just be Jubilee from the X-Men. I already have the perfect yellow raincoat.
Granted, I'm not chinese but I could get some very temporary hair dye, and find some sweet glasses like she has at goodwill. But at the moment I'm sort of leaning towards Peter. I'm not sure though. I feel like I need a lot opinions to overwhelm me before I can ignore them and do what I want. So please, if you are a friend of mine you will tell me what to do.
So on such a rainy, dreary day as this, I'm oddly enough reminded of one of my favorite songs, Somewhere Over the Rainbow. But the thing is, I don't care for the Judy Garland version. I recognize that she sings it beautifully and it's plenty lovely, I just love other versions so much more. For example, Brother Iz.
And my favorite, Ella Fitzgerald.
I just love the different arrangements of it. I have nothing against Judy, but I like it better when other people sing her song. Anyway, on another vein of thought, I think it's very fitting that the weather is so depressing on the day I have a math test. It just makes sense. One of my dearest hopes for future generations is that Universities will learn that Art Majors don't need math, and will cease to require one for graduation.