Day 1: I hopped a bus in the mission district where we were staying and rode further into the city to the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. It was soooo cool. They had a sweet collection, but in addition they had a few pretty sweet exhibits. There was a Georgia O'Keefe + Ansel Adams one that was ok. It was good I just wasn't as impressed with Georgia as I thought I'd be. normally I'm a big fan, but what they had wasn't too exciting. But then the other two exhibits were of photographers and were infinitely cooler. There was a Robert Frank show which was super neat, and then a Richard Avedon exhibit which was phenomenal. all in all I enjoyed myself. I don't have any pictures of anything from the special exhibits because it wasn't allowed, but these were some of my favorites from the normal collection.

I don't actually know who the artist was here but it was way cool.

mmmm, Roy Lichtenstein, he's one of my favorites.

and Rene Magritte. you wouldn't beleive the detail in this sucker.
Then I wandered around that part of town a little more and rode the bus back to the hotel so I could hook up with Jackie for dinner and such. After we ate some delicious San Franciscan food we met up with a ton of people from the workshop at the bar (no worries we had water, as did half of the people in our group) and hung out a little bit. Jackie's frind Kristopher from the workshop brought his friend who happened to be in the city as well, and as it turns out was wandering the city all by himself like I was. So me and Cade (new friend) made plans to do Fisherman's Warf and Pier 39 and that jazz together the next day.
Day 2: So I rode the bus again to get there and we met up right at Fisherman's Warf and wandered together some. I happened to have some tickets given to me for this boat tour around the bay so we hopped on this boat and enjoyed the ride. I think the boat was my favorite part of the trip actually. I just loved the wind and the motion and the sights. It was just a neat experience. We sailed right under the Golden Gate Bridge and around Alcatraz, all while listening to some delightful narration full of hoaky goodness. It was a blast.

Here's Cade and I on the boat, you can see the bridge behind us too. and as you can also see, the wind was fairly aggressive where my hair is concerned.
So then we ate and did a lot of wandering around the city. I must say it was way nice to have a travel buddy. Then Jackie called and Jonathan was taking everybody to Chinatown to take pictures etc. which turned out to be pretty convenient since Jackie and I had planned on doing Chinatown together that night anyway. unfortunately I don't have any pictures from it but it was an absolute blast. It was so colorful and fun. Jonathan took us to this hole in the wall restaurant called The Pot Sticker and it was honestly the most delicious chinese food I've ever had in my life. I ate so much. It's obscene how much we all ate actually. It was so much fun though.
Day 3: So this was my last full day in the city and I decided to take it easy actually and I wandered around the mission district where we were staying. It's a mostly hispanic neighborhood so it was so full of color and vibrancy. I was so glad we were staying there because otherwise I don't think I would have even seen that part of town. I felt like I had an insiders look at the city. One of my favorite aspects of it though were the murals. everywhere you look there were either murals or graffiti. I loved it. here's a little taste.

Anyway, I found my way to the Mission Dolores Park which was really neat. I felt like I saw a little taste of everyone the city has to offer. There were so many people of every size, shape, color, class, etc. it was fascinating. Anyway, then Jackie and I had one last meal with everyone from the workshop and then we met up with Jackie's husband Rob's old friend. They were BFF from way back and since she lives nearby she came to see us. and luckily she has a car and was able to drive me and Jackie to go see the Pacific ocean. We desperately wanted to stick our feet in and she was able to provide us with the means. The water was absolutely freezing but it was to be expected.

Regardless, we were excited.
So then we made it back to the hotel, and prepared to fly home the next day. All in all it was an incredible trip. I had an absolute blast. There are so many little things we did or that I saw that I just don't have the time or energy to include into this entry, but that I hope I'll remember forever. I simply loved it. The end.
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