This is basically a follow up post to my last one full of confusion and doubt. I have officially decided to be a painting major. I have every intention of getting my undergrad in painting, then continue growing as an artist through grad school, and through some connection or another become a college professor. It was not an easy decision. I talked the ear off my good friend Korey for ages about it, and then got some wonderful advice from my parents, but ultimately I know this is what I need to be doing. I had been praying about it for weeks and weeks, and finally, I had the impression to write a pro-con list for both of my options. So I did and realized how much better for my family taking the painting route would be. So here I am, a little lost and scared for this new adventure, but oh so excited. I know this is what I'm supposed to do and I'm ready to work. I know it'll be hard. It's a different hard from most things, but I'm ready.

(relief, get it?)
I'm glad you're going to paint. I'm doing this education thing and all I can think is, why? I mean, I'm just doing it to do something, but I wish I could paint...huh, oh well...I like your relief!
"Like"....oh wait this isn't facebook. I still need to talk to your dad! Pretty sure I'm decided though, but could never hurt. Um...can this Sunday work? maybe???
I think it funny that in your picture of the relief there is a man that is getting beat over the head with a board. Now, I am not sure if that is the Lord beating us over the head with answers and guidance or if it's us beating our heads with our own decisions. Anywho, I thought it funny. Congratulations on the decision though.
haha, relief.
i am jealous of your literal relief. i know too well how being stressed about decisions feels. but you dealing with it head on and committing to what is right for you really inspires me. right now i am just ignoring and avoiding all the stressful things in my life. and that is a bad decision i really know. oh paige, thank you!
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