So I have officially made it through my first week of the semester. Needless to say it's going to be a tough one. My Painting III class is going to be beyond intense. It's the kind of class where you forget you have other classes because it requires that much of your attention. It's going to be good though, I took it with this particular teacher on purpose despite my knowledge that she'd kick my butt. And kick my butt she shall. I know that Miriam, my professor, will work us hard enough and expect enough out of us to push past painting for a grade or making a painting, into painting for the sake of painting. I have no doubt that if anyone can teach me how to be an artist and how to find what I want to say using this medium as a voice, she can. It's weird, but kind of nice to trust my professor so much. She drives me bonkers, but I know that she knows her stuff and can teach me what I want to learn. I'll let you know at the end of the semester if it was worth the pain.
I'll gripe later about the mountains of reading and homework from other classes later.
So here's a physical illustration of my feelings right now.

Inside of my head this is exactly how I feel. A little overwhelmed and tired with the full anticipation of the worst to come.

And this is the brave face I put on. I am overwhelmed and feel inadequate, but I will make it through, I will survive.
I like the "brave face" picture.
p.s. my word verification is "scofy" which I find hilarious at this particular moment, though I don't know why. I think I'm getting sleepy.
You can do it!
Yes you can!
If anyone can do it,
Paigie can!
I like your spirit- I definetly think the best things come when you work the hardest! You're going to become an even more grand artist indeed!
You're so cute.
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