Sister Mota and I are having a ton of fun and working hard. We had the opportunity to go on splits with our Branch President´s wife and daughter, and ended up finding a family of 5 to teach! We were visiting with a less active family, and the wife mentioned that the family living across the street would be interested in the gospel, so we walked over and taught them about the Book of Mormon and invited them to read and they said they would. It was awesome. Now we´re just trying to figure out when to go back. They live kinda far and on splits we got there by car, but it´s a rare thing for us to have a ride. So we´re trying to figure out a way to get there again to teach. We´re pretty optimistic that the whole family´s getting baptized. Anyway, I´ve found that I enjoy talking with children the most. They´re always so friendly and a lot less intimidating to talk to than their parents. I get a little scared speaking to people in portuguese because 8 times out of 10 I don´t understand what they´re saying to me, but with kids it´s a little less pressure. And they´re so funny. It´s like with the nametag comes this instantaneous love on their part, and they just want to sit next to me and ask me questions about the United States or hear words in english, etc. I just love their sweet little faces. On Sunday Sister Mota and I popped into Primary and were swarmed by the children wanting to shake our hands or give us hugs. Then we got to play a game with them. So much fun.
But despite all of the walking and walking that we do, I´m afraid all of this delicious brazilian food is making me fat. Southern hospitality is nothing compared to brazilian hospitality. Every house we go to they feed us this or that. And then because this week was Páscoa (Easter) we were eating chocolate chocolate chocolate, and it just continues. Even for normal lunches, people are always telling us, Eat Sister! Eat more! So, I´m going to work real hard to not have to buy new clothes.
Well, things are just peachy here. It´s starting to get colder which is kind of a nice change from the sweltering heat, but people keep warning me that the winters are super cold. So we´ll see if Washington prepared me well enough.
But I couldn´t be happier. And this week on Friday we´re having a huge mission conference, with all of the Porto Alegre North mission, as well as the South Mission, because Elder D. Todd Christofferson is coming to visit. So we´re getting super excited to go hear an apostle speak to us. And Sister Mota has been asked to give the opening prayer. She´s so nervous, but she´ll be fine. Aaaaand, we heard from the office elders that my MTC companions got their visas, so they should be there at the conference and I´m so excited to see them. I love Brazil and I´ve been making friends, etc. But there´s something different about seeing an already familiar face.
Well, Thanks for all the love. Eu amo vocês muito muito muito!
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