Greetings from Novo Hamburgo!
I´m keeping busy. There´s always so many people to visit. some days I wish there were two extra days in the week. One more to work and another to rest because one p-day just isn´t enough.
And our ward is good. It´s not big, but I haven´t been asked to do more than give a talk. They´re all so good. It´s amazing what happens when the members trust us missionaries. We had a neat experience yesterday where we were working in a neighborhood and almost all of our appointments fell through. so I turned to Sister and asked where she wanted to go, who to visit, and almost immediately she said Magali. After she mentioned this member of the ward I felt super good, confirmation that that was where we needed to go. So we went and visited her, everything normal. Then we asked if she knew anyone who we should teach, and she told that she had the thought that very morning to tell us about her neighbor. The spirit for sure guided us there to talk with her about her neighbor. We´re excited to see what the fruits of this referral are.
We´re just working working working. We don´t have a ton of investigators, but the ones we do have are all super special. It´s so neat to see how the Lord places people in your path so you can help them.
Then Saturday we had a baptism!! Marcelo, the husband of a member got baptized and it was amazing. He´s such a good man, and he was so prepared for the gospel. Marcia, his wife shared with us the other day how a few months ago, she and her brother who´s a member would be talking about the church and Marcelo would try to say something negative or wrong about the church, and finally, Marcia told him that if he wanted to say something to first read the Book of Mormon. and now he´s a member. It´s amazing the power of the Book of Mormon. Sunday morning when he was confirmed I thought about how little we actually did. We were there to teach him what he needed to know, but really he, and the spirit did all of the work. We were just there as spectators. But regardless we´re a part of the family. And the baptism really was super special. There was a spirit so sweet in that meeting. He´s going to do great things.
There´s a million more people I could write and talk about, but I´m tired so I won´t. But life is fantastic, we´re just working hard. That and I just love Sister Farias to peices. We´ve decided to grow our hair out super long so that we can sell it and have enough money to visit Portugal together after our missions. haha. We´ll see how our master plan works out.
But life is good, I´m super happy.
We found a super special family this week that we´re teaching. They´ve truly been waiting for the gospel. Everything just continues. There´s lots of work to do, lots of fun to be had. And spring is arriving with plenty of sunshine. They even have Azaleas here. I took a picture and everything.
I´m ridiculously happy to be staying here in Novo Hamburgo with Sister Farias. We´re ready to keep up this pace and get a lot done this transfer. Então, tudo jóia :)
Enjoy some of the pictures we took at the Santuária das Mães.
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