So this week was awesome! We're just plugging along. And we got hit with a surprise Monday when the mission office called about our car. Since we're covering only half of Cheney, and it's such a small town, they took the car to give to elders or sisters who need it more somewhere else. And since it looks like we're pretty much done with the snow and ice here, we pulled out the bikes. It's been such an adventure. The first day or so on bike were absolutely miserable, but my puny muscles are adjusting and I'm getting stronger. With the exception of yesterday, it's even been kinda fun peddling around town, despite looking like mega-dorks with our skirts and helmets. But yesterday was just as miserable as the first day again. Sundays are just crazy in general. So we have a meeting at the Cheney ward building at 7, so we left at 6:30, wiping the frost from our bike seats. Then after that meeting, we have to peddle over to the institute building for another meeting at 8:15, then back to the other building for church with the Cheney 1st ward. Then back to the institute for the single's ward. So after making the 10-15 minute bike ride like 4 times, we were so exhausted. We pushed through though, and despite our Sunday feeling like it lasted a million years, we had a good day.
This week we found and have been teaching this man and his son, who actually move back to Hong Kong on Wednesday, but they're so prepared for the gospel. We know we were meant to find them and prepare them for missionaries in Hong Kong. The son has such a desire to know that God is there and loves him, and his father has already had so many special experiences with his prayers being answered. It's only a matter of time.
It's so crazy how quickly you can develop that attachment and love for people.
But in general everything's going good. we're just working hard and teaching lots.