Busy teaching

We got snow!
So this week was awesome. I am healthy again so it's been a lot easier to get out and work. Sister Peck hasn't been feeling well though, but we're working hard regardless. And one of our investigators Mike has a baptismal date! We're so proud of him. Last week we committed him to the first Saturday in March so he'd have something to work towards. But then this week we were talking to him about it and he said that the 26th kept coming to mind for a baptismal date, so that's what we set. It was so exciting to see him recieve that revelation to know when he should be baptized. And he picked the date without knowing that it was the day his son John was getting baptized. So we'll have a father son baptism and we're so excited. It's going to be so tender for them to share that date. And they're such a nice family, we're so pumped to see them united in the gospel.
And then we've been teaching a different Mike in the YSA ward who's trying to come back to church, and I was talking with Sister Peck after one of his lessons this week about how his lessons feel like sacred ground because the spirit is always so strong. And it's because he's so honest and sincere in his desire to learn and to repent. He's been doing so good. We're just so proud.
Then a miracle! I had called a former investigator earlier that week, and he called me back. That's a huge deal. People never call back, members, non members, it doesn't matter, people just don't return our calls. But this young man called me back to set up an appointment.
It's so rewarding to see weeks of hard work start to really pay off and to see miracles happen in people's lives, and to see miracles happen in the work.
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