So here I am in Cheney, Washington. It's cold but it's awesome, and today we're going to wal-mart so I can get some turtlenecks and warm socks. So as a part of my first area we cover Cheney 1st ward and the West Plains YSA ward. So we cover a part of the town and then all of the Eastern Washington University campus. So a handful of our investigators and the people we meet are college age students, which is a lot of fun. And then the rest are in the family ward, but it seems like everyone we meet is just so nice.
And my companion Sister Peck is amazing. She feels insecure about training someone but she shouldn't because she's so so amazing. She's from Las Vegas and went to school at BYU Hawaii and actually knows one of the sisters I lived with in the MTC. She knows Sister Roy and it was so fun to make that connection. But she is just so in tune with the spirit and is so good about following those promptings immediately. Another thing I love about her is her sincerity too. She's absolutely sincere in everything she does. When she talks to investigators or members, or anyone, you can feel the love and genuine concern she has for them in the most sincere way. I love that she's perfectly honest with her feelings and her thoughts. She has such an honest and wonderful love for the Lord and for His gospel and it's infectious. Plus, as an added bonus she loves EFY music. So now that I can listen to music again, she's right there with me asking me to replay songs that we just happen to both love. So we are getting along fabulously, and just teaching the gospel.
Being in the field is different than I expected, but it's good. It's less teaching lessons and more sharing scriptures with less actives, but we're working hard to invite everyone to come unto Christ. But it's amazing the instantaneous love I have for everyone we teach. To have that sincere desire for them to change their lives and then to recieve revelation on what they need, and what to teach them. It's amazing. I hope I can be here long enough to watch an investigator progress towards baptism from start to finish, but we'll see.
I've been asking everyone I meet if they know anyone who speaks portuguese, because I really really want to find a portuguese family, or anyone really, and be able to touch them and teach them in the language of their heart. and then yesterday in church I was explaining to a young man in the ysa ward about the whole visa waiting thing, and then asked him to let me know if he found anyone who speaks portuguese, and he mentioned a woman who works at a bicycle shop behind the library who is from Brazil, so tomorrow I think Sister Peck was going to show me where it is and we'll go talk to her. At the very least I hope to just practice speaking the language. I do have time in the morning to study, but it's no substitute to actually speaking it. So hopefully that'll work out. I'll keep you updated.
But in general I am just happy and healthy. I'm already loving Washington and the people. We went and visited a couple who Sister Peck baptized and this sweet man, his name was Bob gave me a Christmas ornament he made. I guess all the sisters got one around Christmas time, but he let me pick one out too. I just wanted to tell Daddy about it, since he loves working with wood, but it's just this little wooden ornament, he carved it with a scroll saw. I'm not sure what that means, but it's out of redwood and the only finish on it is just some mineral oil, and it's just the prettiest little thing. I hung it above my desk along with a map of the country I found. So I'm just settling in nice.
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