Monday, September 14, 2009

Getting old

So a few items of business tonight. First of which is that I'm starting to feel old. Granted, I'm only 21, but a couple recent occurrences have made me feel like 21 is old.
A. One of my best friends from my freshman year of college is pregnant. It's one thing that 3 out of the 5 of us are married, but pregnant?!? That's for adults.
and B. One of my girls from my last week of EFY last year is engaged. OK, so she was already 18 last year, so she's legal, but still. Your youth aren't supposed to get married before you. (not that I'm looking right now, I won't even pretend to be mature enough for marriage). Regardless it's wierd. Especially since she's engaged to a guy we befriended last summer when he sold security systems in Greensboro. Small world huh.

Ok, so on an entirely different note, one of my best friends is getting off of his mission this week and it's a little weird for me. Two years went by super fast. We weren't even BFF when he left, we just watched the same cartoons, but we've emailed every week since he's been out and clearly with that kind of communication we've grown tighter. Anyway, but on Mondays I usually get that weekly email but today I was out of luck. It makes sense, I'm sure he is super busy finishing up this last week, but I still kind of missed it. Who would have thought I'd grow so dependent on those emails.
Anyway, that concludes my babblings tonight.


Laura said...

I know what you mean, I'm 23 and I feel old all the time. My roommates are 19 and I'll mention a band or something from the 90's and they're like, "who?" I now always have to check for wedding rings since all the guys I am attracted turn out being married with kids...I am old. Also my baby/marriage timer keeps beeping and saying- follow your eternal destiny! get married! have babies! stinkin' twitching ovaries!

Anonymous said...

Oh Paige. Isn't it so weird that not only can our best friends be married but also about to pop out children? It is weird to be here and around it all the time. Makes you analyze life and what's important to you. It just makes you think about things. But when love, marriage, and children happen it will be at the right time with the right person. That's all we gotta rely on. ha. :)